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As part of our PSHE and safeguarding curriculum, we teach PANTS!

Talk PANTS is all about having important conversations with children to help keep them safe from sexual abuse – with the help of Pantosaurus, of course! From P through to S, each letter of PANTS provides a simple but valuable rule.

Privates are private, Always remember your body belongs to you, No means no, Talk about secrets that upset you and Speak up – someone can help.

Research suggests the rules are most valuable when taught at a young age, and children can start to be taught them from around the age of three. However, we understand that this is a sensitive subject matter to approach with younger children. That's why we deliver this important message through the NSPCC resources.

Talk PANTS poster can be downloaded from the NSPCC website, along with other resources so you can easily share these important keep safe messages.


PANTS video

What can you do at home?

It is important that parents and carers have their own conversations with their child. Much better to do this bit by bit rather than trying to deal with it all in one go, weaving these chats into everyday discussions instead of turning it into a big deal. Use the Talk PANTS to get the conversation started and be reassured that the more you talk about it, the less awkward and uncomfortable you will feel. You can also feel more confident in being able to handle any questions from  a child though online advice.

When's the right time to talk PANTS? 

Every family is different, and when and where you have these conversations may depend on your child's age, or how grown up they are - it's all about whatever feels natural for you and them.

Some examples of times you can talk PANTS are:

  • After school  if they've had a lesson on personal relationships or Talk PANTS at school, ask them what they remember when they get home.
  • Bathtime – you could start a conversation when you're running your child's bath, or helping them get dressed.
  • Car journeys – this can be a great time to talk, and your child will have plenty of time to ask questions if they need.
  • Reading our new PANTS storybook together.
  • Singing  sing along to our PANTS song with Pantosaurus!
  • Swimming – a great time to say that what's covered by swimwear is private.
  • Walking – walking home from school, or a weekend walk to the shops can help you both feel more at ease as you stroll and chat.
  • Watching TV – if a TV show features a sensitive storyline, you can encourage them to talk about anything that upsets them.