Does the school have a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO)?
Our school has a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO).
Her name is Saira Parveen
If you would like to talk to her for advise or support, then you can ring the school office or pop into school.
The best way to contact our SENDCO is by calling school on 0121 464 5813 or by emailing
Other members of the SEND team:
SEND Assistant- Mrs Karen Hulin has worked at Saint Barnabas for 27 years and has supported many children in our school who have additional needs. She is our Autism lead and works closely with the SENDCo to provide the best support for our staff, parents and children.
Speech and Language Lead- Miss Sian Hall. At Saint Barnabas we use the WellComm Early Years toolkit to help us identify children who may benefit from speech and language support. Miss Hall supports children's speech, language and communication development by providing 1-1 speech therapy sessions and small group interventions.
Miss Sian Hall (Speech and language lead)
Karen Hulin (SEND assistant)