White Rose Maths
At St Barnabas, we follow White Rose Maths. We believe that every child can master an understanding and love of maths with the right kind of teaching and support.
White Rose Maths builds skills gradually and systematically, ensuring learners are given opportunities to master each new area of learning before moving on. It is designed as a spiral of skills where concepts are revisited regularly to fully embed learning.
Lessons typically are broken into six parts:
Key points:
We use NCETM Mastering Number in EYFS and KS1 to embed basic number skills. We are rolling this out into KS2 to build upon this and support times tables acquisition.
We also use Times Tables Rockstars as a tool to help pupils develop fluency in multiplication tables.
Mathematics Intent Statement
At St Barnabas School, we intend for pupils to develop a love of maths and enjoy the excitement and challenge that problem solving brings. We use a maths mastery approach to deliver active and engaging teaching which promotes curiosity, creativity, resilience and growth mindset. Learning is put into real life context where possible, to help children understand the role of mathematics in the world around them and encourage them to become lifelong learners.
Useful links
Times table rockstars - all children years 3-6 have a log in for this to use at home to practice times table skills
White Rose at home - resources for parents to use with their children at home which link to our in school scheme