What Does St Barnabas Mean to you.mp4
Our Vision and Ethos
St Barnabas Church of England Primary School

Our Christian vision
Our Christian vision is inspired by the hope of God through Jesus Christ and His transformational impact. Through the hope Jesus inspires, we encourage one another to be our best selves every day. We learn from the teachings of Jesus and how he inspires and impacts others to live and flourish in hope.
(Acts 4:36 and 1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Because of this we are a nurturing and caring family who aim to wisely encourage and guide people in Christian love and hope so that all can flourish. We are a welcoming and inclusive school to all families and children of all faiths and none. We recognise and celebrate our diversity and help children to develop spirituality to understand themselves and their relationships with each other, the world and ethics and morality (good and bad, right and wrong).
We educate, develop and support pupils to be successful within a school firmly based on Christian principles and our focus biblically based Christian values.
Through modelling our vision, we show children how they can treat each other with respect, celebrate our differences, help each other to develop and grow, be successful and be caring and compassionate.

Our aims
- To educate pupils intellectually, socially, morally, aesthetically, physically and spiritually within a school firmly based on Christian principles.
- To enable pupils to discover and develop their talents and abilities to their full potential by setting positive and realistic goals. Creating a happy, safe and co-operative atmosphere that offers equality of opportunity whilst promoting a healthy lifestyle.
- To promote Christian values within the school as exemplified by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, at times specifically embracing the tenets of the Church of England; and to encourage in pupils a sense of commitment, self-reliance, responsibility, respect for others, a respect and understanding of other faiths and cultures, and a healthy self-esteem.
- To establish and maintain a positive atmosphere within which pupils, parents, staff and governors are well informed; where staff have a clear understanding of their role and are committed to the full development of each pupil.
- To utilise and develop the differing strengths of all members of staff (teachers, teaching assistants and non- teaching staff) to the benefit of the children and to use Performance Management as a tool for their own professional development, self-esteem and self-fulfilment.
- To prepare children for life as citizens in the wider community beyond school, by study of and involvement in the local community and by encouraging parents, visitors, outside agencies and religious representatives into the school.
- To maintain a well ordered and equipped building, using the space available to its full potential, encouraging an attractive and well cared for site; ensuring that adequate and proportional funding is available for resource provision and site maintenance.