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    Year 4 Bumblebees and Dragonflies Spellings – Mrs Baker and Mrs Hussain

    This year, the children will be taught a new spelling root morpheme each week. They will, over the course of 3 lessons, add prefixes (such as de- , un- dis-) to the root word or a suffix (such as -ing, -d, -ed, -tion, -sion). For example, when the root morpheme is script, we can add -ing to make scribing, or add a prefix and suffix to make the word description. The children then add a bank of words and learn the spelling patterns.

    In addition to this they need to be learning the high frequency words at the bottom of this page as part of their homework.

    Spelling tests will take place weekly using 5 key words per week, adding up to 20 after week 4 then rotated. Lists will be sent home every Monday ready for a test on a Thursday.

    Spellings Spring 1


    Spelling shed