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    Foundation Governor (ex officio): Revd Emma Sykes

    Full name:

    Revd Emma Sykes

    Category of Governor

    Foundation (ex officio)

      Appointed by GB/board

    Term of office/date elected

    15/07/2020 - 15/07/2024

    Relevant business interests – involvement in governance of any other educational establishments

    Trustee of Fioretti Trust

    Pecuniary interests (material interests arising from relationships between governors and/or governors and staff including spouses, partners, close relatives)


    Relevant skills and expertise you are bringing to the role of governor.

    Insight into the Christian faith, support with SIAMS and helping the school maintain it’s Christian ethos and values as well as support with general wellbeing for staff and pupils.

    Experience and knowledge of strategic leadership.

    Why I wanted to be a governor.

    To support the Head teacher and the school to achieve their aims and provide good quality education within a Christian framework.